Understanding the Vstack Function in Excel

Handhika Yanuar Pratama
2 min readMay 1, 2024
Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

Do you think you have already advanced in Excel? I hope you don’t. Because if it does, you will never grow anymore. Every knowledge should start with the sentence “I don’t know”, so let’s learn.

In Excel, there are functions called vstack. Well, it may be unfamiliar to some people, but it’s there, ready to help us finish with the Excel material. This idea comes from filosofiexcel on Instagram.

The Problem

Look at the table below; think that we have a table that contains names and sports; all we want is to recap into the right tables.

So, instead of manually copying and pasting one table like this, it will take time.

The Solutions

With the stack, we can do this job easier. All we need is the formulas like this.


Please focus on the arrow I give there; sometimes your Excel will have a default delimiter like (;); instead of using (,), you should use them. But in my case, I need to use (,). After blocking all the tables, press enter.

Tada automatically generates the same table from the left. What makes it unique is that whenever you change anything on the left table, the right table will follow it, like this.


It was nice after learning something new, wasn’t it? In this case, we are trying to understand the stack function in Excel; many more functions in Excel need to be explored. Well, let’s explore it one by one.

