GoLang 101 — (10) Understanding the Basic Math in Go
Yeah, Day 11
In GoLang, as with many programming languages, you can perform a variety of mathematical calculations using basic arithmetic and unary operators. Here’s a list of them that you’ve likely used in your programs.
The Operators
Addition (+)
Adds two operands.
result := 10 + 5 // result is 15
Subtraction (-)
Subtracts the right operand from the left operand.
result := 10 - 5 // result is 5
Multiplication (*)
Multiplies two operands.
result := 10 * 5 // result is 50
Division (/)
Divides the left operand by the right operand.
result := 10 / 5 // result is 2
Remainder/Modulus (%)
Returns the remainder of the division of the left operand by the right operand.
result := 10 % 3 // result is 1
Unary Plus (+)
Indicates a positive value (usually not necessary as positive values are assumed).
x := +5 // x is 5
Unary Minus (-)
Negates the value of the operand.
x := -5 // x is -5
Increment (++) and Decrement ( — ) Operators
Go does not have traditional ++
and --
operators, instead, you use += 1
or -= 1
respectively for increment and decrement operations.
x := 5
x += 1 // Increment x by 1, x is now 6
x -= 1 // Decrement x by 1, x is now 5 again
Operator Precedence
Operator precedence in Go follows typical rules observed in mathematics. Multiplication and division have a higher precedence than addition and subtraction. Parentheses can be used to override precedence.
result := 10 + 5 * 2 // result is 20, not 30
result := (10 + 5) * 2 // result is 30
The Code
Here I already combined all the code before into one program.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Basic Arithmatic
result1 := 10 + 5
result2 := 10 - 5
result3 := 10 * 5
result4 := 10 / 5
result5 := 10 % 5
fmt.Println("Result1: ", result1)
fmt.Println("Result2: ", result2)
fmt.Println("Result3: ", result3)
fmt.Println("Result4: ", result4)
fmt.Println("Result5: ", result5)
// Unary Operator
x := +5
y := -5
fmt.Println("x: ", x)
fmt.Println("y: ", y)
// Increment and Decrement
xx := 5
xx += 1
fmt.Println("xx: ", xx)
yy := 10
yy -= 1
fmt.Println("yy: ", yy)
// Precedence
result6 := 10 + 5*2
reuslt7 := (10 + 5) * 2
fmt.Println("result6: ", result6)
fmt.Println("result7: ", reuslt7)
So, the results are this.
Positive unary is actually optional, you don’t have to used it every time, because, by default, every integer we put in, will always positive.
With these operators, you can handle a wide range of mathematical operations efficiently and effectively. Additionally, being aware of operator precedence ensures that your calculations produce the expected results. Thanks for reading.